Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM) is a free professional development and online learning resource for practitioners working with learners with autism.

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While AFIRM currently uses identity first language and the term autism in our materials, some of our modules and resources reflect person first language and the term autism spectrum disorder. AFIRM acknowledges that language changes and autistic individuals may have varying language preferences. AFIRM is doing their best to honor those preferences in their materials.

Before contacting AFIRM, check the FAQs below for your question. If you don’t see your question, please complete the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am having difficulty logging into AFIRM.

1. Type in your email address in correctly on the 'Request New Password' tab.

2. Check your spam/junk email folder.

3. Clear your browser history and cache. Or try logging in from a different computer.

4. After 5 attempts, you will be locked out and cannot try again until the next day.

Using the AFIRM modules:

I am having difficulty using AFIRM due to:

  • module pages freezing
  • difficulty moving between pages
  • videos not working
  • trouble loading a page
  • trouble logging in
  • or downloading certificates,

Please try to access the modules at a different time after clearing your browser history and cache. Websites are more likely to freeze due to the overwhelming increase in internet usage in the past several months. We continue to work with our IT and Web team to support the improved functionality of our site.

Please note that our newer modules work best in Firefox and Chrome.

Account Settings:

Assessments and Certificates:

Requests for Research, References, and/or Additional Training:

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