Reinforcement for Toddlers
Reinforcement is when caregivers promote the toddler’s target skills/behaviors by providing an arranged consequence that occurs immediately after the toddler displays the target skill/behavior.1-2 It usually focuses on increasing the target skill/behavior. In such cases, the consequences should be natural and developmentally appropriate for toddlers (e.g., favorite object, sensory play, preferred food).
The AFIRM for Toddlers modules are designed for early intervention providers working with caregivers (families and childcare providers) of toddlers.
What Will I Learn?
The AFIRM model guides the EI provider through four lessons to facilitate:
- Reviewing basic knowledge about reinforcement for toddlers.
- Planning with and coaching caregivers to use and monitor progress of reinforcement.
The Reinforcement for Toddlers module will take approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete.
Amsbary, J., Sam, A., Waters, V., Dees, R., & AFIRM Team. (2022). Reinforcement for Toddlers. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Autism Focused Intervention Modules and Resources. https://afirm.fpg.unc.edu/r-toddlers
DEC Recommended Practices (2014)
DEC recommended practices that apply specifically to reinforcement for toddlers module (PDF document, 3 pages)