Big changes are coming to AFIRM for our 10th Anniversary!
Early 2025 AFIRM will be getting a new look and updated content in celebration of our 10 year anniversary.

AFIRM for Toddlers

AFIRM for Toddlers Introduction (same module as above but opens in a new browser window)

AFIRM for Toddlers

AFIRM for Toddlers are a set a of modules developed in collaboration with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center for early interventionists working with toddlers, families, and early care providers. Please note that these modules work best in Firefox and Chrome.

BEH for Toddlers

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When toddler behaviors interfere with their engagement with caregivers, learning through play, participating in daily routines, and/or keeping themselves and others safe, it may be appropriate to use resources and supports.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

NI for Toddlers

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Naturalistic Intervention (NI) is an evidence-based practice (EBP) consisting of a collection of techniques and strategies that are embedded in typical activities and/or routines in which the toddler participates to naturally promote, support, and encourage target skills/behaviors.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

PII for Toddlers

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Parent-Implemented Intervention (PII) is an EBP that involves coaching parents or family members to deliver an intervention to their toddler within daily routines that promotes the toddler’s target skills/behaviors (Dubay et al., 2019).

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

PP for Toddlers

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Prompting (PP) procedures are verbal, gestural, and/or physical assistance given to learners to help them in acquiring or engaging in a targeted behavior or skill.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

R for Toddlers

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Reinforcement (R) is an evidence-based practice in which an arranged consequence occurs after a targeted skill or behavior that increases the use of that skill or behavior in the future (Aspy & Grossman, 2007; Henry & Myles, 2007).

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

VS for Toddlers

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Visual Supports can be used to increase target skills or behaviors of toddlers in the domains of academic, adaptive, behavior, cognitive, communication, joint attention, motor, play, school readiness, and social.

Time to complete:
This module will take approximately 3 hours to complete.