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Early 2025 AFIRM will be getting a new look and updated content in celebration of our 10 year anniversary.

PII for Toddlers

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Parent-Implemented Intervention for Toddlers in the Home Setting

Parent-Implemented Intervention (PII) is an EBP that involves coaching parents or family members to deliver an intervention to their toddler within daily routines that promotes the toddler’s target skills/behaviors (Dubay et al., 2019). In early intervention, PII is often combined with naturalistic intervention strategies, which is how it will be presented in this module. PII is effective with toddlers because the interventions are implemented within the toddler’s natural environment and routines by a trusted parent or family member so that target skills/behaviors are more easily generalized. PII can be used to increase target skills/behaviors of toddlers in the domains of adaptive, cognitive, communication, motor, play and social. It has also shown effectiveness in reducing interfering behaviors.

The AFIRM for Toddler modules are designed for early intervention providers working with caregivers (families and childcare providers) of toddlers.

What Will I Learn?

The AFIRM model guides the EI provider through four lessons to facilitate:

  • Reviewing basic knowledge about parent-implemented intervention for toddlers.
  • Planning with and coaching parents to use and monitor progress of parent-implemented interventions.

The Parent-Implemented Intervention for Toddlers in the Home Setting module will take approximately 2 to 3 hours to complete.

Suggested citation:
Nowell, S., Sam, A., Waters, V., Dees, R., Amsbary, J., & AFIRM Team. (2022). Parent-Implemented Intervention for Toddlers in the Home Setting. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Autism Focused Intervention Modules and Resources.

DEC Recommended Practices (2014)

DEC recommended practices logo

DEC recommended practices that apply specifically to parent-implemented intervention for toddlers module (PDF document, 3 pages)


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